Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Virago Baking Company

Virago bakery is located in Lansdale (north of Philadelphia) on 322.5 West Main Street. It boasts all natural, gluten free, vegan (and nonvegan), and European style cakes. The best food there is the food not even on the menu. For around $9.50, Virago makes the best vegan cheesesteak wraps I have ever had. It is most likely the best food I have ever eaten. The substitute beef has a great taste and is roughly the same consistency as the beef you would find in a Philly cheesesteak. The vegan cheese is fantastic and it is made to perfection. They offer chicken and buffalo cheesesteaks as well, of which I have only had the buffalo variety, also of which is exquisite. They also make excellent vegan cupcakes and pastries, which are huge compared to regular cupcakes, coffee, tea, sandwiches, cakes, and general cafe items. The people who work there are some of the nicest people you'll meet and they have an artist of the month and music every Friday with open mics on first Friday.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blackbird Raum - Swidden

Blackbird Raum is a gypsy folk punk band comprised of squatters from Santa Cruz, California. Their lineup consists of an accordion, banjo, washboard, mandolin, and washtub bass. Group vocals are shouted, sung and harmonized. It's hard to describe their sound, as I have yet to hear anything quite like it. Most of their songs have a high amount of energy and are generally pretty speedy. All of their albums are solid and I never get tired of listening to them. While all the tracks are amazing, the ones that stand out to me are "Witches" and "Honey in the Hair". Definitely one of my favorite bands.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Broken Bones - Bonecrusher

Broken Bones is a hardcore punk band from England. They started in 1983 and are still playing presently. The bassist and guitarist are ex-Discharge members, and that can definitely show. This album in particular is, in my opinion, one of the best albums of all time. It was an American only release back in 1985. Every song is solid. The entire band are amazing at their instruments, with searing guitar solos, excellent bass riffs, and precise drumming. The vocals are shouted and are extremely unique. Honestly, just an amazing band. Standout tracks are "It's Like" and "Choose Death". Also notable is "Decapitated", being their most well known song. But every song on this album is fucking amazing.