Saturday, April 28, 2012

Part 1 - Pictures of Pain

Part one is a band from Britain which may or may not have been fronted by Rudimentary Peni's Nick Blinko. The sound is very similar to Rudimentary Peni, except it leans more towards goth than Peni did. Guitars are heavily distorted with high end fuzz and the bass is prominent and lo-fi. Lyrics are chanted, and the whole album as a whole has an awesome dark feel to it. Standout songs are "Possed" and "Black Mass". The artwork is pretty damn good too.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ripper - Into Oblivion

Ripper is a d-beat rock'n'roll band from Portland, Oregon. They recently were in Philly and put on one hell of a show. This album is their first 12" I believe, and was put out in 2011. The best way to describe them is a hardcore d-beat band injected with Motorhead. The singing is more towards the motorhead side, with heavy distorted bass, and some blistering guitar solos. This album is sick, and I await the next one in high anticipation. Best songs on the album are "Razor's Edge" and "Hellnation".

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Martyrdöd - S/T

This is my favorite Martyrdöd album by far and definitely on my top albums of all time. Blistering crust with black metal elements make this album an absolutely ridiculous listen. Vocals are high, guitars are noisy with tons of dissonant and dark progressions. The whole album bursts with energy and power. If you like crust, metal, or anything in between, this is an album you have to listen to. Every song on the album is solid, but "Tyst Minut" stands out the most and really defines their sound. I've been waiting for a North American tour for far too long.