Thursday, October 27, 2011

Shades of Grey - Freedom/Incarceration

Shades of Grey is a half female crust band from Sweden that started in 2005. They remind me a lot of Wolfbrigade and Skitsystem, but they definitely have their own sound. They make best use of having two guitarists by use of heavy as fuck riffs and changing interlocking melodies, which sounds awesome. The bass has a deep dark tone, with heavy distortion. Singing is dual female vocals by the guitarist and bassist, in a mid scratchy and powerful screams. This album is heavy and powerful as hell; definitely crust at some of it's finest. In addition to this LP, they also have a demo and split with Massmord. Standout songs on the album would be "Indoctrination" and "Sort the Gods Out".

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Driller Killer - Total Fucking Brutalized + Total Fucking Hate

Driller Killer is a D-beat band from Sweden, surprised at all? Driller Killer's style has changed somewhat over the years, considering there is only one constant member: singer Cliff Lundberg. Out of all of their variations, I think this album is their best style. Guitars are distorted, bass is loud, noisy and crunchy. Singing is more of a shouting and most songs are at a pretty fast speed. This is D-beat at it's core through and through. The average song length on the album is around two minutes, but at 26 songs, there is certainly no lack of substance. Lyrics can tend to get a little corny at times, but it doesn't hurt the album in the grand scheme of things. Best songs would probably be "Futureless" and "Skaneland" is one hell of a cool song. Total Fucking Brutalized is a good solid album; nothing revolutionary, but a damn good album nonetheless. A solid block of total fucking d-beat.