Saturday, February 11, 2012

Black Panda - Tanque de 98 Octanos

Black Panda is a rock n' roll d-beat band from Spain who've been ripping it up for a while. Along the same lines as Auktion, they use fast distorted guitars with searing rock n' roll solos and progressions. Dual vocals are both high and low, screamed and growled, so there's a decent amount of variety. Spain has some great bands to hear, and Black Panda is definitely one of them. Best songs on the album are "Redneck Zombie" and "Sin Titulo" Interestingly enough, their demo sounds completely different from their later albums (such as this one) with a much heavier and crustier feeling. I'll be posting it sometime in the future, so enjoy Spanish rock n' roll madness!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Arctic Flowers / Spectres Split 7"

This is a short one but a good one. This is a two song split by Arctic Flowers and Spectres, both of which I loved the second I heard them. Arctic Flowers is an anarcho post-punk band from the mystical lands of Portland, Oregon. They use clean prominent bass lines coupled with dissonant guitars and singing female vocals. They feel like old UK anarcho with a new kick in it, and they definitely can separate themselves from the myriad of anarcho bands out there. On the opposite side, you have Spectres, a post-punk band through and through from Virginia. Spectres uses a grabbing mix of guitars, bass, and synth. Vocals are shouted and flow well throughout the song. Both bands boast strong anarcho lyrics and it's worth keeping an ear out for both.