Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chumbawamba - Common Ground

Chumbawamba is a band from the UK which, despite it's most recent and popular music, used to be a great anarcho band. This is one of my favorite albums by them. Recording isn't all that great, but musically it is a wonderful bit. It has a typical anarcho feel, with a lot more melodic and singing parts thrown in. Vocals are male female dual vocals shouted as opposed to scream. Chumbawamba has gotten a lot of shit for their "selling out" by signing to large labels (one of which they were in a comp against a few years earlier) and completely changing their style to dancy poppy electronic music. But no matter what way it's look at, they made some sick music before the big change. Common Ground was released as a benefit to help striking miners in 1984. There is only two actual songs on this, plus an intermission(?), so it's a quick but good listen.

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